review: ...
Alles wissen review: Raak je geld snel kwijt in dit illegale piramidesysteem!

49 Berichten
8 Gebruikers
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39 K Bekeken
Berichten: 6
Active Member

We Kunnen lang of kort discussie voeren het feit blijft dat je 5 loten koopt a €25 + 5 euro administratie kosten is €30,- ik denk niet dat er zoveel moeite gedaan wordt om mensen eenmalig €30,- af handig te maken beetje omslachtig

Geplaatst : 23/08/2015 6:54 pm
Berichten: 246
Estimable Member Admin
Topic starter

Omslachtig? Al het werk wordt gedaan door jou en andere mensen die er in getrapt zijn.

Hoeveel mensen doen er al mee? 10.000? 20.000? 50.000? Maal 30 euro is 300.000 euro, 600.000 euro, 2 miljoen?
Serieuze centen hoor.

Er zijn vergelijkbare scams waar mensen voor een paar euro of zelfs centen opgelicht worden, de zogenaamde pennymatrix schema's. Als er maar genoeg mensen mee doen is dat reuze interessant voor de oplichter.

Geplaatst : 24/08/2015 4:36 pm
Berichten: 246
Estimable Member Admin
Topic starter

Aaaanndddd it's gone. is opgedoekt en is er vandoor met de bankgegevens van de naïeve mensen die er in geloofden. De facebook groepen zijn zo veel mogelijk weggehaald en er zijn twee mailtjes verzonden naar de deelnemers van deze scam, namelijk deze twee:

"Lucky5 has known a very successful pre-launch phase. This phase was necessary as we wanted to make sure that Lucky5 Back-office worked exactly as it should.

In a few days time, thousands of enthusiastic people from all over the world registered to Lucky5.

As you can imagine, some of the regular lotteries did not like us coming into their lucrative market, with a lottery that pays out 100% instead of 50%.

Instant lotteries are their most valuable source of profit, and as such they are trying by all means to retard our entry to the market.

As long as we cannot guarantee all of our members to enjoy the fruits of their labour, we will not sell any scratch cards or ask to pay whatever fee.

We are sorry for the delay, but despite all the comments on the web, we want to make sure that Lucky5 becomes what it is meant to be,
"A game that brings luck to you and your friends"

In order to make you feel comfortable, we have decided to permantently delete all your banking information and ask them again once we re-launch the game.

To all believers of the first hour we can only ask you to be patient a little longer.

Being dependant on the willingness of certain authorities, we are sorry to inform you that we cannot set a new launch date at this time.

We apologize for the delay. We promise you to be back as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we wish you a lucky day.

The Lucky5 Team"

From Ian Orford
HEAD UP GROUP MEMBERS: A personal message. First of all thanks for all you're efforts over the last few months and messages of personal support. Over 10 weeks ago now I advised, along with other members of the Admin team, that you should put Lucky5 ‘on pause’, and go and get on with your lives and your other projects.
Some of us have done that. Some of you continued to hold on to the hope that un – Lucky5 would open on the 15th September. Having been around this industry a very long time it was my personal opinion that that was a very futile hope.
It is further my opinion that whilst the whole idea was genius, the execution has been totally appalling, incredibly amateurish and an insult to all the people, all of YOU who have put their heart and soul into this for the last 7 or 8 months.
Once I saw Malta disappear as a licensing jurisdiction, once I saw TAIN and Wirecard withdraw I knew the whole project was dead in the water. When I have been asked privately what I thought would happen to L5 I have told the truth. I thought it would launch on the 15th of September but it would not be legal to operate. As an example the company is not registered with the UK Gambling Commission and the UK Gambling Commission have already issued warning letters to some people it has found to have been promoting L5 in the UK. The same in Australia, L5 is not compliant, and therefore illegal to promote.
In the appalling email we have all just received the company now admits that. We actually had this news yesterday on the 14th September and it would seem that they ‘company’ has known this for weeks. So again, a kick in the gut, no respect shown, and no professionalism whatsoever. Total amateurs.
So if anybody thinks they can still hold on and work with these guys, I would respectfully suggest that you reevaluate where you are.
SO, MOVING FORWARD, which myself and our Team did nearly 3 months ago now, I would suggest that you do the same and work on your next project.

Wat raar dat dit project mislukte. Wij zeiden dat het zou gaan mislukken en nou hebben we wederom, zoals tot nog toe, altijd, gelijk..

Geplaatst : 20/09/2015 1:46 pm
Berichten: 27
Eminent Member

Ja, en degenen die het hier kwamen promoten, o.a. ene "Xanthee" en ene "Elsje", daar horen we nou natuurlijk niks meer van. Die geven niet thuis. Ja, ze zullen ws wel weer een nieuwe scam komen promoten onder een nieuwe valse naam. Die Xanthee beweerde zelfs dat de uitbaters van Lucky5 haar buren waren. Nou, dan weten de slachtoffers dus waar ze terecht kunnen.

Geplaatst : 23/09/2015 1:41 pm
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